منتدى شباب جامعة إب
نـثر مـرورك في الــدرب زهـراً وريحانـا . . . وفاح عبــق اســــمك بوجـودك الفتــانـــا

فإن نطقت بخيـر فهو لشخصك إحسانا . . . وإن نطقت بشر فهو على شخصك نكرانا

وإن بقيت بين إخوانك فنحـن لك أعوانـا . . . وإن غادرت فنحن لك ذاكرين فلا تنسـانــا

منتدى شباب جامعة إب
نـثر مـرورك في الــدرب زهـراً وريحانـا . . . وفاح عبــق اســــمك بوجـودك الفتــانـــا

فإن نطقت بخيـر فهو لشخصك إحسانا . . . وإن نطقت بشر فهو على شخصك نكرانا

وإن بقيت بين إخوانك فنحـن لك أعوانـا . . . وإن غادرت فنحن لك ذاكرين فلا تنسـانــا

منتدى شباب جامعة إب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمركز رفع الصورأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولتسجيل دخول الاعضاء
منتدى شباب جامعة إب منتدى ,علمي ,ثقافي ,ادبي ,ترفيهي, يضم جميع اقسام كليات الجامعة وكذا يوفر الكتب والمراجع والدراسات والابحاث التي يحتاجها الطالب في دراسته وابحاثه وكذا يفتح ابواب النقاش وتبادل المعلومات والمعارف بين الطلاب. كما اننا نولي ارائكم واقتراحاتكم اهتمامنا المتواصل . يمكنكم ارسال اقتراحاتكم الى ادارة المنتدى او كتابتها في قسم الاقتراحات والشكاوى


 Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

كيف تعرفت علينا : Just heard then a click
الكــلــيــة : Arts
القسم ( التخصص ) : E. Dept.
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : Finished, greaduated
الجنس : ذكر
عدد الرسائل : 65
العمر : 36
الدوله : Yemen
العمل/الترفيه : Lecturer
المزاج : .........
نقاط : 131
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/12/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :

Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students   Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students Icon_minitimeالإثنين يناير 24, 2011 7:43 pm


Thorough knowledge (understanding) of a thing (person) is
expressed by these phrases in common use:
to know something (somebody) like the palm of one's hand —
to know thoroughly
Everything that can be done is being done, you needn't worry about that. Martin knows the place like the palm of his hand. (C. S.)

"You are what we Mr. Poirot".

call 'quick in the uptake',


"Ah, that, it leaps to the eye!" (A. Chr.) She was not at all shy, and she asked me to cal her Sally before we'd known one another ten minutes, and she was quick in the uptake. (S. M.)
Some general phrases of understanding are:
to know what is what — to have proper knowledge of
the world and of things in general
He isn't such a fool as They took him for. He
knows what is what. (N. C.)
"And that won't wash!" said Trager. "He knows
what is what." (V. L.)
Never you mind. It shows you know what is what.
(S. M.)
to know the ropes — to be thoroughly familiar with the de¬tails of any occupation; to be worldly and sophisticated
"Did he find it easy?"
'"I expect he knew the ropes." (C. 5.)
Mr. Bart said not to worry. And he's smart. He
knows the ropes. (N. C.)
to know a thing or two — to have practical ability and
common sense
You needn't have to worry about her. She'll be a help too. Not just a bleeding drag. She knows a thing or two already, not like Doris. (N. C.)
He wasn't born yesterday! — He is not a fool, he is a shrewd and knowing person.
The new Headmaster will stand no nonsense from anybody. He wasn't born yesterday, I can tell you. (W. B.)
to know on which side one's bread is buttered — to know where one's interests lie
Bosinney looked clever, but he had also — and it was one of his great attractions — an air as if he
В. B. Сытель 33

did not quite know on which side his bread were buttered; he should be easy to deal in money mat¬ters. (J. G.)
Mary often stays with her old uncle and keeps house for him. He is very rich, and she knows on which side her bread is buttered. (K. H.)
to know better (than...) — to be wise enough not to...
My father would talk morality after dinner. I told him he was old enough to know better. But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all. (O. W.) She ought to know better than to ask him. (A. Chr.)
to get to know — to become acquainted
"Well, well, " he said, "we want to get to know our new friends, don't we, Mother?" (N. C.) He is all right when you get to know him. (J. P.) Compared to John, he was an astoundingly diffi¬cult person to get to know. (A. Chr.) Was there any way of getting to know where Hetty was? (V. L.)
Understanding is often colloquially expressed by these verbs: to see, especially in I see (I understand), to get and to catch (on).
"A man?" asked Esa.
"Man or woman it is the same."
"I see." (J. P.)
"I see what you mean, " said Mr. Satterthwaite.
(A. Chr.)
"Then tie my wrist up to my shoulder somehow, as
hard as you can. Do you get that? Tie up both
my arms."
"Yes, I get it." (J. Ald.)
"All right, " said Percy. "I get you." Mr. Basks,
however, could see that he hadn't got him. (N. C.)
Do you catch my meaning? (A. H.)

An amusing phrase meaning a belated act of comprehension
The penny's dropped, (i. e. He's at last got my meaning.)
Two common sayings commenting on knowledge:
Knowledge is power. (The more a man knows, the greater
power he has.)
Live and learn. (As long as you live there'll be new things
to learn. This is usually said by someone who has just
learned something which he did not know before.)
"But Mummy, I had no idea you were so immoral!" "We live and learn" (L. A.)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
بحر السكون
مشرف منتدى طب الأسنــان
مشرف منتدى طب الأسنــان

كيف تعرفت علينا : الأنترنت
الكــلــيــة : طب الأسنـــــــــــــــــان
القسم ( التخصص ) : نتخرج اول بعدين نتتخصص
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : الرابـــــع
الجنس : ذكر
عدد الرسائل : 839
العمر : 34
الدوله : بلد الأحرار والثوار
العمل/الترفيه : إسقاط النظام الفاسد
المزاج : ثآآآآائر
نقاط : 959
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/09/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students   Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يناير 25, 2011 7:09 am

thanks on your idioms
really it is beautiful and benefit
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Some Idioms related to (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).for E students
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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