منتدى شباب جامعة إب
نـثر مـرورك في الــدرب زهـراً وريحانـا . . . وفاح عبــق اســــمك بوجـودك الفتــانـــا

فإن نطقت بخيـر فهو لشخصك إحسانا . . . وإن نطقت بشر فهو على شخصك نكرانا

وإن بقيت بين إخوانك فنحـن لك أعوانـا . . . وإن غادرت فنحن لك ذاكرين فلا تنسـانــا

منتدى شباب جامعة إب
نـثر مـرورك في الــدرب زهـراً وريحانـا . . . وفاح عبــق اســــمك بوجـودك الفتــانـــا

فإن نطقت بخيـر فهو لشخصك إحسانا . . . وإن نطقت بشر فهو على شخصك نكرانا

وإن بقيت بين إخوانك فنحـن لك أعوانـا . . . وإن غادرت فنحن لك ذاكرين فلا تنسـانــا

منتدى شباب جامعة إب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمركز رفع الصورأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولتسجيل دخول الاعضاء
منتدى شباب جامعة إب منتدى ,علمي ,ثقافي ,ادبي ,ترفيهي, يضم جميع اقسام كليات الجامعة وكذا يوفر الكتب والمراجع والدراسات والابحاث التي يحتاجها الطالب في دراسته وابحاثه وكذا يفتح ابواب النقاش وتبادل المعلومات والمعارف بين الطلاب. كما اننا نولي ارائكم واقتراحاتكم اهتمامنا المتواصل . يمكنكم ارسال اقتراحاتكم الى ادارة المنتدى او كتابتها في قسم الاقتراحات والشكاوى


 موسوعة كتب جيولوجية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Arwa Alshoaibi
مشرفـة عـامـة
مشرفـة عـامـة
Arwa Alshoaibi

كيف تعرفت علينا : ............
الكــلــيــة : ........
القسم ( التخصص ) : .......
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : .......
الجنس : انثى
عدد الرسائل : 12959
العمر : 35
الدوله : بعيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييد
العمل/الترفيه : القراءه والاطلاع على كل جديد
المزاج : متقلب المزاج
نقاط : 18850
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/04/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية Aonye_10
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 1800010

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التقييم: 10

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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية Qatarya_5FnyX3UoUa

موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 51JK3QR5TTL

for an introductory one-semester geology course, this text is a brief
version of Thompson/Turk's MODERN PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. Thompson/Turk's
brief text offers professors a more streamlined alternative to the
longer, more detailed introductory text. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL
GEOLOGY emphasizes human-environment interactions and discusses the
latest research in physical geology. Beautiful illustrations and clear
writing style set this text apart from other geology texts

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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 41ETSNTKZVL

this information-packed volume, the authors present mathematical models
and analyses for evaluating, assessing, and describing the petroleum
geology of the oil-rich South Caspian Sea Basin, including eastern
Azerbaijan and western Turkmenistan. Their mathematical models include
descriptions of the development and structure of the surrounding
geological systems and traps.

Details the petrophysical properties and interrelationship with reservoir and source rocks
Describes how new technology has made it possible to profitably produce off previously useless wells
A valuable resource for exploration companies in the area of the South Caspian Basin
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Foundations of Engineering Geology
The second edition of this well
established book provides a readable and highly illustrated overview of
the main facets of geology for engineers. Each topic is presented as a
double-page spread with a careful mix of text, tables, and diagrams.
Comprehensively updated, and with four new sections, Foundations of
Engineering Geology covers the entire spectrum of topics of interest to
both student and professional

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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية I
Geology of North-West Borneo: Sarawak, Brunei
and Sabah
The book is a comprehensive compilation of all aspects of
the geology of Northwest Borneo (Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah) and the
contiguous South China and Sulu Seas. The sedimentary formations are
described, their palaeontology tabulated and ages discussed.
Stratigraphic charts illustrate their relationships across the whole
region. Detailed geological maps of selected areas are accompanied by
cross sections based on outcrop patterns and drilling and seismic data
offshore. Palaeocurrent maps are presented and the palaeogeography for
different ages described and sedimentary provenance discussed.

Descriptions of the ophiolite sequences, volcanic and
plutonic rocks are accompanied by tables of selected chemical analyses
and geochemical plots and their tectonic significance discussed. All
radiometric data are tabulated and discussed.

Regional structures and the predominantly Tertiary
tectonics are described. In Sarawak the mountains are constructed of
Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene greenschist facies shaly turbiditic
Rajang Group, uplifted before the end of the Eocene. In Sabah the
Western Cordillera is constructed of Eocene to Lower Miocene sandy
turbidite uplifted in the Late Miocene and Pliocene. Miocene intrusion
of Mount Kinabalu and uplift of the Cordillera is related to collision
at the Northwest Borneo Trough. Gold, antimony, mercury and copper
deposits are described and the tectonic setting of oil and gas deposits

* Correlation tables, descriptions and ages of all major sedimentary formations of Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah
* Petrology, geochemistry and ages of all volcanic and plutonic formations of North West Borneo and their tectonic significance
* Economic geology including the geological setting of offshore oil and gas deposits

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Geological Atlas of Africa: With Notes on Stratigraphy, Tectonics, Economic Geology, Geohazards and Geosites of Each Country
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 514BJG93CJL
Here is the new edition of the
first attempt to summarize the geology of Africa by presenting it in an
atlas and to synthesize the stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology,
geohazards and geosites of each country and territory of the continent.
Furthermore, the digitized geological maps are correlated and harmonized
according to the current stratigraphic timetable. The atlas aims to
contribute to capacity building in African Earth Sciences and to aid the
initiation of research and enable the achievement of economic
opportunities by providing a database of basic geological background

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Planetary geology : a teacher's guide with activities in physical and earth sciences
This book is the second edition of NASASP-179, first printed in 1982. It has
been updated to take into account planetary missions that have flown
throughout the solar system since the first edition. Both editions are out-
growths of various short courses in Planetary Geology that have been held
over the last two decades, and from activities developed in the classroom.
Activities in Planetary Geology was developed for the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration with the guidance, support, and cooperation of
many individuals and groups
This educator's guide features
exercises grouped into five units: 1) introduction to geologic
processes, 2) impact cratering activities, 3) planetary atmosphere, 4)
planetary surfaces and 5) geologic mapping

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Map That Changed the World CD: William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology
Audio CD
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 61HVBMC2H8L
From the author of the bestselling The Professor and the Madman comes the fascinating story of the father of modern geology
In 1793, William Smith, the orphan
son of a village blacksmith, made a startling discovery that was to turn
the science of geology on its head. While surveying the route for a
canal near Bath, he noticed that the fossils found in one layer of the
rocks he was excavating were very different from those found in another.
And out of that realization came an epiphany: that by following these
fossils one could trace layers of rocks as they dipped, rose and fell --
clear across England and clear across the world.

Obsessed with creating a map that
would showcase his discovery, Smith spent the next twenty years
traveling England alone, studying rock outcroppings and gathering
information. In 1815 he published a hand-painted map more than eight
feet tall and six feet wide. But four years later, swindled out of his
profits, Smith ended up in debtors' prison. His wife went mad. He lived
as a homeless man for ten long years.

Eventually a kindly aristocrat
discovered him; Smith, the quiet genius and 'father of geology' was
brought back to London and showered with the honors that he rightly
deserved. Here now is his astounding story

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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية I
Physical Geology of High-level Magmatic Systems (Geological Society Special Publication)
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 511GVCGH1SL
This book gives an up-to-date overview of the
physical geology of sub-volcanic intrusions. Topics covered in this
wide-ranging volume include important aspects of the field geology and
physical volcanology of sills, laccoliths and sub-volcanic complexes,
magma-Ÿsediment interaction and numerical and experimental studies aimed
at quantifying more precisely the emplacement mechanics of high-level
magmatic intrusions. Provocative papers ask whether laccoliths and
high-level sills are forming today, and question the nature of the
relationship between high-level intrusions and contemporaneous volcanic
activity. Several contributions also deal with the more applied aspects
of high-level magma emplacement and 3D seismic imaging of sill and
laccolith complexes as relevant to the hydrocarbons industry.

It is hoped that with the publication of this
volume a consensus will emerge that will help to advance our
understanding of the more important physical factors governing the
emplacement of high-level intrusions in the continental crust, along
with their wider geotectonic implications

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The Earth Inside and Out: Some Major Contributions to Geology in the Twentieth Century
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 41XJi7PaBaL
The book offers a conspectus
of important developments in the earth sciences in the twentieth
century. The introductory essay considers features of twentieth-century
geoscience as a whole (and science more generally), including general
trends within geology and its associated disciplines; and it reviews
secondary literature on twentieth-century geology. The contributed
essays span detailed discussions of particular issues, such as the
application of the phase rule to metamorphic petrology; surveys of
fields such as sedimentology and palynology; delineation of broad fields
such as `planetary geology', mathematical geology, and metamorphic
geology; discussions of individual scientists' contributions (Norman
Bowen, Arthur Holmes, Victor Goldschmidt, and Marie Tharp); an oral
history account of the emergence of terrane theory; discussions of
trends or problems within fields such as geomagnetism and stratigraphy;
the social context of geology as regards palaeontological collecting and
some of the Russian responses to the advent of plate-tectonic theory

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pass Word: gigapedia.org

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Lectures on geology
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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية I

Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior Contributions in Petroleum Geology and Engineering
By Tarek H. Ahmed
It is a pretty good book about PVT properties. The
book contains not only phase behavior but also simple correlations to
calculate PVT properties. Also the book has detail phase seperation
simulations. An excellent book for reservoir and production engineers

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3-D Structural Geology: A Practical Guide to Quantitative Surface and Subsurface Map Interpretation

This is a
handbook of practical techniques for making the best possible
interpretation of geological structures at the map scale and for
extracting the maximum amount of information from surface and subsurface
maps. The 3-D structure is defined by internally consistent structure
contour maps and cross sections of all horizons and faults. The book is
directed toward the professional user who is concerned about both the
accuracy of an interpretation and the speed with which it can be
obtained from incomplete data. Quantitative methods are emphasized
throughout, and numerous analytical solutions are given that can be
easily implemented with a pocket calculator or a spreadsheet.
Interpretation strategies are defined for GIS or CAD users, yet are
simple enough to be done by hand. The user of this book will be able to
produce better geological maps and cross sections, judge the quality of
existing maps, and locate and fix mapping errors.

The second edition has been reorganized to more
nearly follow the typical interpretation workflow. A significant amount
of new material has been added, in particular numerous examples of 3-D
models and techniques for using kinematic models to predict fault and
ramp-anticline geometry. The new edition includes a CD which supplements
the text in several ways. Text figures are reproduced in color and
complete Tecplot models are provided for a number of representative
figures. For those interested in working exercises in mapping software,
xyz input files are provided in text format for many of the map-based
exercises. Answers to selected exercises are included

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Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles in Britain
and Europe (Oxford Monographs on Geology andGeophysics)

The Pleistocene epoch or Ice
Age, an extended period of advancing and retreating ice sheets, is
characterized by striking climatic oscillations and sea level
fluctuations. This age saw the rise and spread of humans and a great
extinction of large mammals by the end of the epoch; in fact, the world
today is essentially the product of dramatic changes that took place in
the Pleistocene. This book, a companion to the author's Pleistocene
Amphibians and Reptiles in North America, discusses the Pleistocene
amphibians and reptiles in Britain and the European continent eastward
through present-day Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Yugoslavian
republics, and Greece. The book begins with a general discussion of the
Pleistocene in Britain and Europe with an emphasis on regional terms
used to define Pleistocene chronological events. Next, a look at the
pre-Pleistocene herpetofauna of the study area sets the stage for a
discussion of Pleistocene herpetofauna. A significant section of the
book consists of a "bestiary," a series of annotated taxonomic accounts
of Pleistocene herpetological taxa from the region. Following this is
the interpretive section, beginning with a discussion of herpetological
species as paleoenvironmental indicators and continuing with an analysis
of herpetological population adjustments to Pleistocene events in
Britain and Europe, and then with a discussion of extinction patterns in
the region. Finally, the author compares Pleistocene herpetological
events in Europe with those in North America. This volume and its
companion together provide an up-to-date and comprehensive review of
Pleistocene herpetofaunas across a significant portion of the Northern

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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية I

Tables for the Determination of Common Opaque Minerals
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PASSWORD: geologia_ucn_2000
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Theory of the Earth
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 41RN8MX2Y5L
WE have
found, that there is not in this globe (as a planet revolving in the
solar system) any power or motion adapted to the purpose now in view;
nor, were there such a power, could a mass of simply collected materials
have continued any considerable time to resist the waves and currents
natural to the sea, but must have been quickly carried away, and again
deposited at the bottom of the ocean

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The Moon and How to Observe It ..Astronomers' Observing Guides
This revolutionary new book
is written for practical amateur astronomers who not only want to
observe, but want to know the details of exactly what they are looking
at. The Moon is the most commonly observed of all astronomical objects.
This is the first book to deal equally with the Moon itself - its
formation, geology, and history - as well as the practical aspects of
observation. The concept of the book - and of the series - is to present
an up-to-date detailed description of the Moon, including its origins,
history, and geology (part one); and then (part two) to consider how
best to observe and record it successfully using commercially-available
equipment. The Moon and How to Observe It is a mine of information for
all levels of amateur observers, from the beginner to the experienced

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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية I
Introduction to Planetary Science: The Geological Perspective

This textbook is intended to
be used in a lecture course for college students majoring in Earth
Sciences. Planetary science provides an opportunity for these students
to apply a wide range of subject matter pertaining to the Earth to the
study of other planets and their principal satellites. In this way,
planetary science tends to unify subjects in the Earth Sciences that are
traditionally taught separately. Therefore, planetary science is
well-suited to be taught as a capstone course for senior undergraduates
in geology departments and as an introduction to the solar system in
astronomy departments. Both groups of students will benefit because
planetary science bridges the gap between geology and astronomy and it
prepares geologists and astronomers to participate actively in the
on-going exploration of the solar system.

The subject matter is presented in 24 chapters
that lead the reader through the solar system starting with historical
perspectives on space exploration and the development of the scientific
method. The presentations concerning the planets and their satellites
emphasize that their origin and subsequent evolution can be explained by
applications of certain basic principles of physics, chemistry, and
celestial mechanics and that the surface features of the solid bodies in
the solar system can be interpreted by means of the principles of

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Petrophysics, Second Edition: Theory and
Practice of Measuring Reservoir Rock and Fluid Transport Properties
The petroleum geologist and engineer must have a
working knowledge of petrophysics in order to find oil reservoirs,
devise the best plan for getting it out of the ground, then start
drilling. This book offers the engineer and geologist a manual to
accomplish these goals, providing much-needed calculations and formulas
on fluid flow, rock properties, and many other topics that are
encountered every day. New updated material covers topics that have
emerged in the petrochemical industry since 1997.

* Contains information and calculations that the
engineer or geologist must use in daily activities to find oil and
devise a plan to get it out of the ground

* Filled with problems and solutions, perfect for use in undergraduate, graduate, or professional courses
* Covers real-life problems and cases for the practicing engineer
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Agreements on Cooperation in Remote Sensing and Earth Observation
(1998): MR-972-OSTP (Rand Corporation//Rand Monograph Report)

موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 41NJ7GXP05L

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Clay Mineralogy, Volume 2: Occurrences, Processing and Applications of
Kaolins, Bentonites, Palygorskitesepiolite, and Common Clays
(Developments ... Clay Science) (Developments in Clay Science)

This book on Applied Clay
Mineralogy is comprehensive. It covers the structure, composition, and
physical and chemical properties of kaolinite, halloysite, ball clays;
bentonites including sodium montmorillonite, calcium montmorillonite,
and hectorite; and palygorskite and sepiolite. There is also a short
chapter on common clays which are used for making structural clay
products and lightweight aggregate. The location and geology of the
major clay deposits that are marketed worldwide and regionally include
kaolins from the United States, Southwest England, Brazil, and the Czech
Republic along with halloysite from New Zealand and ball clays from the
US, England, Germany, and Ukraine. Bentonites from the U.S. and Europe
are included along with palygorskite and sepiolite from the U.S., China,
Senegal, and Spain. The mining and processing of the various clays are
described. Extensive discussions of the many applications of the clays
are included. The appendices cover the important laboratory tests that
are used to identify and evaluate the various types of clay. Many
figures are included covering electron micrographs, processing flow
sheets, stratigraphy, and location maps.

* Provides the structure and composition of clay minerals, as well as their phyisical and chemical properties
* Discusses pplications for Kaolin, Bentonite, Palygorskite and Sepiolite
* Contains appendixes of laboratory tests and procedures, as well as a test for common clays
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موسوعة كتب جيولوجية I

The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 41SW9DFFAJL
In his latest book, Vaclav Smil
tells the story of the Earth’s biosphere from its origins to its near-
and long-term future. He explains the workings of its parts and what is
known about their interactions. With essay-like flair, he examines the
biosphere’s physics, chemistry, biology, geology, oceanography, energy,
climatology, and ecology, as well as the changes caused by human
activity. He provides both the basics of the story and surprising asides
illustrating critical but often neglected aspects of biospheric

Smil begins with a history of the
modern idea of the biosphere, focusing on the development of the concept
by Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky. He explores the probability of
life elsewhere in the universe, life’s evolution and metabolism, and
the biosphere’s extent, mass, productivity, and grand-scale
organization. Smil offers fresh approaches to such well-known phenomena
as solar radiation and plate tectonics and introduces lesser-known
topics such as the quarter-power scaling of animal and plant metabolism
across body sizes and metabolic pathways. He also examines two sets of
fundamental relationships that have profoundly influenced the evolution
of life and the persistence of the biosphere: symbiosis and the role of
life’s complexity as a determinant of biomass productivity and
resilience. And he voices concern about the future course of
human-caused global environmental change, which could compromise the
biosphere’s integrity and threaten the survival of modern civilization

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Encyclopedia of Earthquakes And Volcanoes Facts on File Science Library
موسوعة كتب جيولوجية 51VW7CKPMAL
Encyclopedia of Earthquakes and Volcanoes explains the specific terms
and concepts associated with the sciences of catastrophe-seismology and
volcanology-and covers the places in the world where these destructive
phenomena have occurred. Entries include terms and concepts such as:
caldera, stratovolcano, S-waves, liquefaction, harmonic tremors, and
much more

The revised edition contains
Updated geographic locations and damage estimates for certain areas
Enhanced content on the geologic processes, with clear and up-to-date diagrams to articulate these processes
New definitions of geologic terms
An updated chronology of important earthquakes and eruptions

An updated chronology of important earthquakes and eruptions
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» أدخل وحمل كتب جيولوجية قيمة
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» موسوعة المعادن

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