منتدى شباب جامعة إب
نـثر مـرورك في الــدرب زهـراً وريحانـا . . . وفاح عبــق اســــمك بوجـودك الفتــانـــا

فإن نطقت بخيـر فهو لشخصك إحسانا . . . وإن نطقت بشر فهو على شخصك نكرانا

وإن بقيت بين إخوانك فنحـن لك أعوانـا . . . وإن غادرت فنحن لك ذاكرين فلا تنسـانــا

منتدى شباب جامعة إب
نـثر مـرورك في الــدرب زهـراً وريحانـا . . . وفاح عبــق اســــمك بوجـودك الفتــانـــا

فإن نطقت بخيـر فهو لشخصك إحسانا . . . وإن نطقت بشر فهو على شخصك نكرانا

وإن بقيت بين إخوانك فنحـن لك أعوانـا . . . وإن غادرت فنحن لك ذاكرين فلا تنسـانــا

منتدى شباب جامعة إب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةمركز رفع الصورأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولتسجيل دخول الاعضاء
منتدى شباب جامعة إب منتدى ,علمي ,ثقافي ,ادبي ,ترفيهي, يضم جميع اقسام كليات الجامعة وكذا يوفر الكتب والمراجع والدراسات والابحاث التي يحتاجها الطالب في دراسته وابحاثه وكذا يفتح ابواب النقاش وتبادل المعلومات والمعارف بين الطلاب. كما اننا نولي ارائكم واقتراحاتكم اهتمامنا المتواصل . يمكنكم ارسال اقتراحاتكم الى ادارة المنتدى او كتابتها في قسم الاقتراحات والشكاوى


 مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Arwa Alshoaibi
مشرفـة عـامـة
مشرفـة عـامـة
Arwa Alshoaibi

كيف تعرفت علينا : ............
الكــلــيــة : ........
القسم ( التخصص ) : .......
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : .......
الجنس : انثى
عدد الرسائل : 12959
العمر : 35
الدوله : بعيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييد
العمل/الترفيه : القراءه والاطلاع على كل جديد
المزاج : متقلب المزاج
نقاط : 18850
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/04/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Aonye_10
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 1800010

بطاقة الشخصية
التقييم: 10

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة   مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 20, 2011 7:07 pm

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة

تعتبر المطابخ المفتوحة من أكثر أنواع المطابخ الملائمة
لمتطلبات العصر الحالي والحديث. تلعب ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة دوراً
هاماً في إيجاد جو من التواصل بين جميع أفراد الأسرة.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJQHn1yn2RRUZiWNJgn5gjhC1eb_UOObNMCn7xXfhr-_UH3XYaKQ&t=1

مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة:

- ممارسة الأم لمهام الطبخ بسهولة ويسر.
- متابعة ربة البيت لحركة أطفالها أثناء قيامها بعمليات الطبخ.
استقبال ربة البيت لصديقاتها بالمطبخ المفتوح حتى لا تضييع وقتها، وتقوم بأعمالها أثناء الحديث معهم.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Img_1269742752_298

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 54827alsh3er

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Kitchen-dining-room

وهذه مجموعة من الاعتبارات ينبغي مراعاتها عند اتخاذ قرار بتصميم ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة:

مراعاة أن تطل المطابخ المفتوحة على الأماكن العائلية كالصالة أو الحديقة، وليس أماكن استقبال الضيوف.
الاهتمام بوجود طاولة كاونتر لتناول
الطعام مزودة بمقاعد، والاهتمام بتصميمها بشكل جيد، وفي هذه الحالة يمكن
إلغاء غرفة الطعام العائلية.
الحرص على وجود مراوح شفط قوية تسحب الهواء والروائح لخارج البيت.
التأكد من نظافة المطابخ المفتوحة باستمرار، لأن رائحتها ستعم بالمكان.
اختيار ألوان وديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة بشكل يتناسب مع الفراغ الذي يطل عليه.
محاولة إيجاد مطبخ أخر خارجي, ، أو مغلق لاستخدامات القلي وما يشابهه.
اختيار أكسسوارات المطبخ الملونة مثل صحن الصابون وعلاقات المناشف والرفوف وحامل السكاكين قد تجعل من المطبخ لوحة فنية.
تعليق أواني الطهي والقدور بشكل جذاب وأنيق.
استعمال مجموعة متنوعة من الأدوات الملونة (سكاكين، أطباق، أكواب، ماكينة القهوة)، لإضفاء لمسات ديكورية جذابة في المكان.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 54

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Contemporary-Luxury-Kitchen-Interior-and-Decorating-Inspiration_1

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو فضي
عضو فضي

كيف تعرفت علينا : صدفة
الكــلــيــة : .............................
القسم ( التخصص ) : ...........................
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : ..................
الجنس : انثى
عدد الرسائل : 3898
العمر : 38
الدوله : لا يعلمه الا الله
العمل/الترفيه : ..
المزاج : مرتاحة
نقاط : 4867
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/04/2011
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 4000

بطاقة الشخصية
التقييم: 10

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة   مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 20, 2011 7:10 pm

ذوقك كتير راقي

تسلمي ليدي على الاختيار

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Arwa Alshoaibi
مشرفـة عـامـة
مشرفـة عـامـة
Arwa Alshoaibi

كيف تعرفت علينا : ............
الكــلــيــة : ........
القسم ( التخصص ) : .......
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : .......
الجنس : انثى
عدد الرسائل : 12959
العمر : 35
الدوله : بعيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييد
العمل/الترفيه : القراءه والاطلاع على كل جديد
المزاج : متقلب المزاج
نقاط : 18850
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/04/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Aonye_10
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 1800010

بطاقة الشخصية
التقييم: 10

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة   مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 20, 2011 7:24 pm

Kitchen Island Design Ideas

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 142
layout of this traditional-style kitchen perfectly accomodates a center
kitchen island. And this particular kitchen island offers some
wonderful storage and display ideas for wine bottles as well as a
beautiful, large granite countertop for extra work space.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 141

over-sized kitchen island is center stage and rightfully so. Wood
cabinetry with gorgeous architectural details and smooth granite
countertops match the other cabinets in the kitchen. The corners of the
island are carved out to allow access to the central cooktop area and an
offset prep sink increases the island's funtionality. Highlighting the
island is a dramatic chandelier.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 140

for four, pendant lighting, a prep sink, and an enormous marble
countertop - this kitchen island has it all. The rounded design on the
dining side is a brilliant idea allowing for conversation between
individuals sitting at the island.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 139

all horizontal lines and shiny stainless steel for this modern kitchen.
The kitchen island is no exception with its straight edges and smooth
surfaces. The charcoal grey finish on the island relates well to the
white cabinets and walls of the kitchen, as well as the frosted glass
panels covering the built-in shelves.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 138

black kitchen island trimmed in stainless steel really stands out in
contrast to the backdrop of white and pale blue. It is a strong element
in an otherwise airy space. The top of the island is lit by a unique
hanging fixture that mimics the island's rectangular shape.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 137

kitchen island with traditional french appeal. It provides open storage
for displaying baskets and bins. The warm wood butcher block top serves
as an additional work space, serving area and spot for casual dining.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 136

contemporary kitchen island for a contemporary kitchen. In keeping with
that modern aesthetic, this island is covered in highly reflective
material both on the sides and the countertop. The sleek design blends
in with the clean lines of the rest of the kitchen.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 135

centralized cooking area with medieval styling. The main purpose of
this island is cooking with a little storage provided by way of an
overhead shelf for holding extra pots and pans and hanging cooking

Kitchen Design Ideas

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 149

ambient lighting in this kitchen design enhances the natural beauty of
the woodgrain. The finishes have been kept tastefully simple for a
coordinated and clean-lined effect.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 148

this kitchen photo, ultramodern design is stated with bold shapes and
smooth textures, and is enhanced by the dramatic use of color. All are
elements that can be incorporated into small or large kitchen design
ideas. Because the color in this kitchen has been limited to only a few
surfaces, it can easily be changed.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 147

kitchen design ideas offer a very effective use of cupboard space and
kitchen lighting. With so much natural light coming in through the
windows this homeowner can feel confident that using a dark stain on the
cabinets will not make the space feel dark and gloomy.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 146

abundance of horizontal lines in contemporary kitchens tends to create a
sense of movement and activity. To keep this kitchen design idea from
appearing too busy, the designer applied stainless steel to the cabinets
surrounding the appliances.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 145

this free kitchen design idea, the center island is large enough to
provide even more space for work, storage and eating. It is great to
have room for family and friends in the kitchen. You can continue
visiting while meals are being prepared.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 144

soft sheen of stainless steel appliances and the light wood tone of the
cabinetry give kitchen design ideas like this an airy, spacious feel.
It is uncomplicated and uncluttered. Kitchen design ideas are often
searched to suit those requirements.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 143

vivid splashes of blue and orange on the walls and furniture have been
artfully balanced with a warm medium wood tone in this kitchen. The
countertop adds texture, yet remains grounded because of its black
color. Additional texture has been created with multiple wood tones in
the floor. This is one of our favourite kitchen design ideas!

Modern Kitchens Ideas

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 167

an outdated oak kitchen has now been replaced with this modern soft
contemporary environment. Features include a wenge wood breakfast top,
granite countertops and floor, glass backsplash and back-lit 3-form
tiger thatch panels, all back dropped by African mahogany cabinetry.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 166

custom-designed kitchen cabinets and islands are made of Wenge wood
with Cesaer Stone countertops and feature glass tile backsplash and GE

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 165

project embodies the exuberance of a Brazilian-born woman, who embraces
color with all of its glory. The dynamic kitchen, featured in Angeleno
magazine and California Home and Design, has painted blue cabinets, Azul
Macubas extra granite and state of the art appliances.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 164

double stack hood serves as the focal point of this soft contemporary
kitchen and the glass tile backsplash makes for a sparkling backdrop.
The combination of light and dark stain colors with an oversized island
top give this kitchen and an Asian appeal.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 163

things can make a big difference. Grain matching and mirroring of the
wood from cabinet to cabinet is a sign of true craftsmanship. Built-in
lighting and all drawers below provide the ultimate in function. Photo
by Marble Street Studio.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 162

The maple "splash" is designed to provide a balance with the cherry wood cabinets and also conceal a custom ventilation unit.

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focal point of this unique kitchen is the circular window surrounded by
stone. An red Aga range adds a nice touch of color and contributes to
the Old World charm. The windows behind the wall cabinetry allow natural
light to flood the room and highlight the homeowner's glass collection.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 160

bachelor's apartment kitchen redo involved incorporating two rooms, a
kitchen and living room. Mixing materials and finishes creates interest
and adds character. The floor is maple with a cherry color stain.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 159

wood base cabinets are combined with metal and glass upper cabinets to
create a transition from heavy to light. Stainless-steel countertops
further enhance this transition, while also tying in the appliances with
the cabinets.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 158

kitchen is open to the dining room and subsequent living room. With
that in mind, the design intent was to incorporate sustainable materials
such as the Syndecrete counters and FCS sustainably harvested wood
cabinetry into the clean lines and minimalist design of this kitchen.
Photo by Fawn Art Photography.

Old World Kitchens

[center]مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 10

This Hamptons-inspired kitchen features a vintage light fixture complemented by custom-designed cabinets.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 9

tongue-and-groove ceilings crown this European-inspired kitchen with
Old World antiques. Neutral hued cabinetry supports a walnut island top.
Ornate hand-carved accents appear in the hearth and island areas.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 8

used the pot rack for inspiration in this kitchen. The curves were
taken to form the curves in the countertop and also in the transition in
the floor from tile to wood. Photo by Tim Murphy.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 7

built-in banquette maximizes the seating area in this Victorian kitchen
renovation. Cabinetry detailing and historic reproduction lighting help
the new addition feel like part of the original historic home.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 6

peninsula and a maple top island (foreground) provide abundant counter
space in this efficient and roomy kitchen. Expansive windows along the
back of the house lead to the garden and bluestone patio

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 5

original farmhouse sink was salvaged and reused in this kitchen
renovation. The use of new wide plank flooring and beadboard details
helps to maintain the retro style.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 4
This kitchen features a beautiful, hand-hammered copper sink and distressed black cabinetry.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 3
contemporary kitchen is a unique balance of concrete and granite
countertops and maple and cherry woods. The banquette is concealed by
the wall of angled cabinetry.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 2

This contemporary kitchen shows how radius cabinetry can be used to transition from one space to another.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 1

kitchen feautres a grand 8' x 8' island. The unique color on the birch
cabinets features a hand-applied painted sheen, which allows a hint of
the natural wood grain to peek through the soft gray tone. Intricate
moldings and corbels give the cabinets a high-end furniture look.

Cottage Kitchens

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 19

kitchen for a serious cook who entertains casually and formally
requires a space that is both efficient and comfortable. Bulthaup
cabinets, high-end appliances and a scrutinized layout provide
efficiency while treasured heirlooms and antique French tiles make this
space an inviting center of the home.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 20

kitchen in this vintage Chicago apartment is a study in finely honed
contrasts. The warm tones and texture of the antique French floor tiles
starkly contrast with the polished minimalism of the stainless steel
cabinetry. Photograph by Hyunjung Bay.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 19

glass cabinets, Ann Sacks Luxor backsplash tiles and Mitchell Gold
barstools are special elements that make this kitchen feel luxurious.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 17

kitchen features built-in stainless-steel appliances and custom wood
cabinetry. A café table and bar stools in the breakfast nook provide a
comfortable area for quick meals. The bar area utilizes the same leather
bar stools for flexibility in seating arrangements. Photograph by
Daniel Newcomb Architectural Photography.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 16

views are maximized with wall-to-wall windows in this family-friendly
kitchen. Photograph by George Lambros of Lambros Photography.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 15

perimeter of this space includes a variety of stations including a
baking area, a prep area with additional sink, a plate staging area
where all dishes are garnished, a family breakfast area (with coffee and
self-serve cereal stations) and a banquet seating area for children.
Photograph by George Lambros of Lambros Photography.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 14
Photograph by Janet Mesic Mackie.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 13

incredible central cooking space includes two professional-grade stoves
with six gas burners each. An adjacent workspace with built-in shelving
corrals cookbooks and frequently-used office essentials. Photograph by
George Lambros of Lambros Photography.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 12

stainless steel is certainly a high-style look, too much of it can make
a kitchen feel cold and uninviting. Here, the plethora of metal is
warmed up with dark wood cabinetry.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 11

use of hand-painted black base cabinets with painted white upper
cabinets allow for a more open, vast feeling in this kitchen. Topped
with white statuary marble, the island allows for seating, display
cabinets and even an inset for the family dog's food and water dishes.

Contemporary Kitchens

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 30

combination of arts and crafts design elements with a contemporary
flair gives this kitchen a modern feel in a traditional home.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 29

Two islands allow for efficient circulation in this kitchen and make smart use of the available space. Photo by Rick Brazil.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 28

by the circus painting on the left, this kitchen nook is transformed
into a colorful display of fun and whimsical shapes. Photo by David
Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 27

husband and wife wanted different things for this kitchen. She wanted a
kitchen that reflected her Japanese heritage; he wanted a comfortable
island to read the morning paper. The result: a successful marriage of
simple, clean design with traditional Japanese design. Photo by David
Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 26

large contemporary kitchen with two islands is reflective of a daring,
artful client. The different woods featured are Australian lacewood,
curly maple and faux finish MDF. The chartreuse and cherry stains create
great visual appeal. Photo by David Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 25

the combination of stained exotic woods and handpainted combed faux
finishes for the custom cabinetry, this kitchen reflects the tastes of
the homeowners, who are contemporary art aficionados. Photo by David
Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 24

kitchen is inspired by arts and crafts design, combining modern
stainless equipment with hand-crafted tiles, art glass lights and warm
wood tones.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 23

contemporary kitchen is a true example of how to mix a variety of
materials and colors. Concrete and granite tiles are used for the
countertops, mosaic tiles run along the backsplash, and the floor is
covered with slate tiles.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 22

features such as custom ironwork paired with a one-of-a-kind nook table
set this designer kitchen--fit for a professional chef--apart from the
rest. Photo by David Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 21

unique pairing of interesting hardware and colorful cabinetry create
visual delight in this contemporary kitchen. Photo by David Duncan

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Arwa Alshoaibi
مشرفـة عـامـة
مشرفـة عـامـة
Arwa Alshoaibi

كيف تعرفت علينا : ............
الكــلــيــة : ........
القسم ( التخصص ) : .......
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : .......
الجنس : انثى
عدد الرسائل : 12959
العمر : 35
الدوله : بعيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييد
العمل/الترفيه : القراءه والاطلاع على كل جديد
المزاج : متقلب المزاج
نقاط : 18850
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/04/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Aonye_10
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 1800010

بطاقة الشخصية
التقييم: 10

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة   مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 20, 2011 7:32 pm

Contemporary Kitchens

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 30

combination of arts and crafts design elements with a contemporary
flair gives this kitchen a modern feel in a traditional home.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 29

Two islands allow for efficient circulation in this kitchen and make smart use of the available space. Photo by Rick Brazil.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 28

by the circus painting on the left, this kitchen nook is transformed
into a colorful display of fun and whimsical shapes. Photo by David
Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 27

husband and wife wanted different things for this kitchen. She wanted a
kitchen that reflected her Japanese heritage; he wanted a comfortable
island to read the morning paper. The result: a successful marriage of
simple, clean design with traditional Japanese design. Photo by David
Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 26

large contemporary kitchen with two islands is reflective of a daring,
artful client. The different woods featured are Australian lacewood,
curly maple and faux finish MDF. The chartreuse and cherry stains create
great visual appeal. Photo by David Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 25

the combination of stained exotic woods and handpainted combed faux
finishes for the custom cabinetry, this kitchen reflects the tastes of
the homeowners, who are contemporary art aficionados. Photo by David
Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 24

kitchen is inspired by arts and crafts design, combining modern
stainless equipment with hand-crafted tiles, art glass lights and warm
wood tones.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 23

contemporary kitchen is a true example of how to mix a variety of
materials and colors. Concrete and granite tiles are used for the
countertops, mosaic tiles run along the backsplash, and the floor is
covered with slate tiles.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 22

features such as custom ironwork paired with a one-of-a-kind nook table
set this designer kitchen--fit for a professional chef--apart from the
rest. Photo by David Duncan Livingston.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 21

unique pairing of interesting hardware and colorful cabinetry create
visual delight in this contemporary kitchen. Photo by David Duncan

Mediterranean Kitchens

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 40

The dramatic stainless steel range hood accentuates the high ceilings in this contemporary kitchen.

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existing walls and opening up this kitchen to the adjacent living areas
maximized the space and allows for gracious entertaining.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 38

handling of the woods -- from the large floor pattern to the cabinetry
-- gives a great sense of space to this small kitchen. Photo by Rusty

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 37

kitchen was fastidiously laid out following the requirements of a
chef--movement from the storage area to the prep to cooking and
cleaning, all with careful consideration of the ergonomics involved.

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and contemporary cabinet designs were selected to enhance the already
modern atmosphere of this kitchen, located in a former home of the late
Julia Child.

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butcher-block island, complete with wine storage, is the centerpiece of
this small but functional French country kitchen. The worn pine floors,
painted cabinetry and tile countertops add to the charm.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 34

kitchen design is a fine example of my FusionDesign philosophy in
practice. It subtly blends contemporary European elements with soothing
Asian accents like the glass shoji screen doors and Zen water feature,
while offering increased functionality for the American lifestyle.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 33

changing the configuration of this area transformed it from a dark,
rectilinear space into a warm, inviting one that revolves around the
circular center island and outer workspace.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 32

built-in banquette maximizes the seating area in this Victorian kitchen
renovation. Cabinetry detailing and historic reproduction lighting help
the new addition feel like part of the original historic home.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 31

peninsula and a maple top island (foreground) provide abundant counter
space in this efficient and roomy kitchen. Expansive windows along the
back of the house lead to the garden and bluestone patio

Arts and Crafts Kitchens

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 50

efficient working kitchen is an exercise in minimalist composition. The
maple bar is cantilevered from an exposed structural column. The
counter is brushed stainless steel with micro-peened (similar to
sandblasted) stainless steel on the wall above.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 49

cabinetry in this award-winning contemporary kitchen is warm and
glowing. The view of ponderosa pines is complemented with
nature-inspired fabric on the valance.

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Foot traffic flows smoothly around the angled island. The raised bar top helps to conceal the cooktop from the adjacent room.

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kitchen feautres a grand 8' x 8' island. The unique color on the birch
cabinets features a hand-applied painted sheen, which allows a hint of
the natural wood grain to peek through the soft gray tone. Intricate
moldings and corbels give the cabinets a high-end furniture look.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 46

butler's pantry is used for decorative storage and an auxiliary cooking
center. The narrow countertop is the perfect size for resting hot
dishes right out of the oven.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 45

warmth of the wood floor, which is repeated in the selection of granite
for the countertop, is a nice balance to the white cabinetry in this
traditional kitchen. The large antique pine table is the center
gathering spot in the household. Photo by Sharon Yob.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 44

functional island in stainless steel and Carrara marble is the central
work area of this kitchen. Stainless steel countertops were chosen to
mimic industrial elements, while a deep brown Wengue finish was used for
the cabinetry in order to create a brilliant contrast with the lighter
cork floor.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 43

French country cabinetry graces this large gourmet kitchen. The butcher
block and granite island is an eye-catching element that melds form
with function. The stone flooring adds a dynamic dimension to the space.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 42

kitchen design is a fine example of my FusionDesign philosophy in
practice. It subtly blends contemporary European elements with soothing
Asian accents like the glass shoji screen doors and Zen water feature,
while offering increased functionality for the American lifestyle.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 41

over the kitchen table is a vintage Moroccan light fixture. The
Moroccan influence continues with the fretwork in the cabinet doors. All
the tiles in the backsplash were handmade especially for this kitchen.

Eclectic Kitchens

[center]مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 60

The large kitchen features beautiful wood accents and stainless steel fixtures. The countertop serves as a bar that seats four.

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The kitchen is attached to the outdoor deck which provides for the ultimate setup for entertaining.

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marble and CaesarStone where used on the countertops in this
contemporary kitchen. This exquisite custom mosaic floor is made of
Calacatta and Emperor Brown marble. Photography by David Young-Wolff.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 57

milky white cabinetry comes to life with green granite countertops and a
cool green wall color. The color palette brings the feeling of nature
indoors. Wall color: Benjamin Moore: Grasshopper AF415.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 56

custom mosaic floor, a custom glass backsplash, sleek cabinetry and a
stunning red Murano glass lighting fixture make up this modern timeless
kitchen. Photography by David Young-Wolff.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 55

eco-friendly kitchen cabinets were custom-made from a beautiful green
material called plyboo, which is made from 100 percent rapidly renewable
bamboo. It's just as easy on the environment as it is the eye.

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Don't be afraid to use a deep color in a room with a lot of natural light.

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mix of dark-stained wood, black and cream accents tie in with the
existing architecture of this 1920’s Tudor home. The custom alder wood
cabinets were stained to match the leaded glass door that leads to the
dining room.

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traditional coffee center ties in with the columns and millwork, as
opposed to the modern kitchen cabinetry. This creates a transition
between the more traditional details of the home and the more modern
space of the kitchen.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 51

bar doubles as a desk and message center, and houses an extra stool for
the island. The eat-in kitchen has a built-in bench that also doubles
as a radiator cover. A trestle table is key to making the bench seating
practical and comfortable

Country Kitchens

[center]مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 70

contemporary remodeled space squeezed a lot of design elements into a
small galley kitchen. A mixture of glass, stone and dark wenge stained
wood makes for an exciting backdrop framing the beautiful Chicago

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 69

large kitchen designed for a true cook incorporates three rooms into
one. The larger angled island frames a smaller furniture island making
this space an ideal two cook kitchen and a unique space to entertain.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 68

furniture style cabinets flank the opening of this beautiful kitchen.
The dark wenge stain used in the family room is carried into the kitchen
as an accent on the island the refrigerator wall. Vivid green painted
walls make a stunning frame to the entrance to the room.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 67

island provides a graceful transition into the existing living room
space. It was carefully placed to avoid becoming an obstacle in the
kitchen. It functions well as a preparation area, has abundant storage
and keeps the guests away from the working space. Photo by Marble Street

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 66

this kitchen, we use European cabinets, CaesarStone and Hakatai tiles
for a clean, energetic look. Using open shelves on walls instead of box
cabinets makes this kitchen feel much bigger.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 65

order to save space on the counters, the microwave is installed in the
custom European cabinetry. The cabinets are a lovely white washed oak
and meet strict E1 standards for indoor air quality.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 64

fluorescent lights, glass wall tiles, glass shelves, glass-faced upper
cabinets and a glass hood are designed to allow the kitchen to be
flooded with light without using lot of energy.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 63

a counter-depth refrigerator gives the kitchen a sleek, European
built-in look. What isn't seen is the slide-out recycling center,
including composting bin, behind the cabinet doors.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 62

a white under-mount sink with a white CaesarStone counter create a
seamless look. Have a wide, one bowl sink with a commercial sprayer
makes cleaning big pots, small animals and kids a breeze.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 61

mosaic tile set in a random pattern adds shimmer and color to this
remodeled kitchen. The warm colors tie into the cork flooring and
caramelized bamboo flooring in the adjacent room.

Tuscan Kitchens

[center]مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 88

your kitchen doesn’t have to break the bank. Painting your existing
cabinets and adding a fun new backsplash can make an old kitchen
instantly appear 10 years younger.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 90

maple and black cabinetry combine to create an unfitted English cottage
kitchen. The beadboard-paneled breakfast bar with a stainless steel
countertop and pot rack complete a sophisticated yet highly practical
kitchen space.

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A hammered copper sink adds a rustic flair against the green glass subway tiles and recycled glass counters.

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modern kitchen's open space makes it a great place to cook and
entertain guests. The glass bar top is custom-made by Kersey's
Glassworks. Photography by Rio Costantini.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 86

design of the kitchen was inspired by the bright orange oven. The
asymmetrical arch is an illusion because the two halves don't actually
connect. Photography by Rio Costantini.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 85

open floor plan in this modern kitchen makes it a great place for
cooking and entertaining guests. Photography by Rio Costantini.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 84

frosted glass-front cabinets synchronize with the stainless steel
backsplash and kitchen hardware. Photography by Rio Costantini.

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cabinets combined with Brazilian cherry wood flooring, a black granite
countertop and a black glass chandelier complete this transitional

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 82

Image courtesy of Gene Northup of Synergy Sotheby's International Realty

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 81

Image courtesy of Gene Northup of Synergy Sotheby's International Realty



الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Arwa Alshoaibi
مشرفـة عـامـة
مشرفـة عـامـة
Arwa Alshoaibi

كيف تعرفت علينا : ............
الكــلــيــة : ........
القسم ( التخصص ) : .......
السنة الدراسية (المستوى الدراسي) : .......
الجنس : انثى
عدد الرسائل : 12959
العمر : 35
الدوله : بعيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييد
العمل/الترفيه : القراءه والاطلاع على كل جديد
المزاج : متقلب المزاج
نقاط : 18850
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/04/2010
: :قائمة الأوسمة : :
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Aonye_10
مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 1800010

بطاقة الشخصية
التقييم: 10

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة   مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 20, 2011 7:40 pm

Kitchen Backsplash Ideas

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 127

elegant marble or granite kitchen backsplash can work beautifully with
rich wood cabinets. In this example, the lighter tone of the backsplash
and countertops create a visual break between the dark upper and lower

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 126

monochromatic color scheme of this kitchen is given a lift with a
mosaic tile backsplash. Although the colors for the backsplash have been
carried over from the rest of the kitchen, the use of small tiles and a
random pattern create visual energy

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 125

grey slate tiles provide a contrast to the simple clean lines of the
white cabinetry in this modern kitchen design. In addition to the hit of
color, the large size and natural finish of these tiles bring
much-needed texture to the space.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 124

says you have to tile the entire kitchen backsplash surface?!?! The
creator of this kitchen chose to combine colorful tiles with a fun paint
technique. Small tiles in groups of three have been randomly adhered to
the painted area beneath the upper cabinets. This is definitely a

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 123

carefully measured and installed section of backpainted glass will
produce a stunning kitchen backsplash in a contemporary setting. Choose a
paint color that will complement your kitchen design. This is an ideal
spot for an accent color.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 122

metallic mosaic tiles transform the backsplash of this serving area,
and undercabinet lighting gives it extra sparkle. You can achieve
different effects by using different sizes of tiles.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 121

your countertop material up onto the wall is an excellent option for a
no muss, no fuss kitchen backsplash. This is something you can do with
practically any countertop material.

Modern Kitchen Design

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 134

dramatic contemporary kitchen design provides gorgeous long expanses of
stainless steel countertops for working on or simply admiring. Notice
how the cabinet hardware mimics the refrigerator door pulls.
Under-cabinet lighting makes the ceramic tile backsplash glow.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 133

glossy black floor tiles anchor and help to define the kitchen area in
this ultra-contemporary design. The space is full of funky finishes and
textures from the smooth countertops, ceramic tile back wall and sleek
rangehood to the warm dark wood of the lower cabinets and the added
warmth of the golden wall color.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 132

natural light pours into this very contemporary kitchen. White, a color
often associated with contemporary design, is used throughout the space
creating a very light and airy atmosphere. Two layers of horizontal
upper cabinets and large, deep drawers provide an abundance of storage.
The orange-red color pops against the white shell.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 131

will never be an issue with the large cabinets in this modern kitchen.
The island provides even more storage and workspace along with a
table-type extension for an eating area. An interesting feature of this
design is that the toe-kick has been eliminated from some of the wall
cabinets giving them a floating feeling.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 130

is a cutting edge kitchen design. The space is practically void of
color with the exception of some fresh fruit in a stainless steel bowl
and a small assortment of cooking accessories.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 129

hot design in cool colors. If time travel was possible, you might be
looking at a kitchen from 20 years in the future. An abundance of
horizontal lines create a sense of movement within this space.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 128

modern kitchen design pic illustrates free-flowing lines in both the
unusual light fixture over the table and the shelf/light fixture above
the peninsula. Splashes of red throughout the space add warmth and
energy. The darkness of the flooring and lower cabinets is offset by the
light wall color and the large window.

Kitchen Island Design Ideas

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 142
layout of this traditional-style kitchen perfectly accomodates a center
kitchen island. And this particular kitchen island offers some
wonderful storage and display ideas for wine bottles as well as a
beautiful, large granite countertop for extra work space.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 141

over-sized kitchen island is center stage and rightfully so. Wood
cabinetry with gorgeous architectural details and smooth granite
countertops match the other cabinets in the kitchen. The corners of the
island are carved out to allow access to the central cooktop area and an
offset prep sink increases the island's funtionality. Highlighting the
island is a dramatic chandelier.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 140

for four, pendant lighting, a prep sink, and an enormous marble
countertop - this kitchen island has it all. The rounded design on the
dining side is a brilliant idea allowing for conversation between
individuals sitting at the island.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 139

all horizontal lines and shiny stainless steel for this modern kitchen.
The kitchen island is no exception with its straight edges and smooth
surfaces. The charcoal grey finish on the island relates well to the
white cabinets and walls of the kitchen, as well as the frosted glass
panels covering the built-in shelves.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 138

black kitchen island trimmed in stainless steel really stands out in
contrast to the backdrop of white and pale blue. It is a strong element
in an otherwise airy space. The top of the island is lit by a unique
hanging fixture that mimics the island's rectangular shape.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 137

kitchen island with traditional french appeal. It provides open storage
for displaying baskets and bins. The warm wood butcher block top serves
as an additional work space, serving area and spot for casual dining.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 136

contemporary kitchen island for a contemporary kitchen. In keeping with
that modern aesthetic, this island is covered in highly reflective
material both on the sides and the countertop. The sleek design blends
in with the clean lines of the rest of the kitchen.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 135

centralized cooking area with medieval styling. The main purpose of
this island is cooking with a little storage provided by way of an
overhead shelf for holding extra pots and pans and hanging cooking

Small Kitchen Designs

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 157

modern contemporary small kitchen design goes far beyond the bounds of a
traditional small kitchen. Beginning with the color scheme, this
decidedly minimal, yet entirely functional small kitchen space is very
'bold' and clean. Notice how the bright work areas create a largeness
along with the use of a glass bar top that doubles as an eating area.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 156

earthen color tones in this kitchen gently contrast and lift out the
black countertop and refrigerator. Double stacked kitchen cabinets help
to create a more versatile storage space, while the glass cabinet doors
add to the spaciousness of the lighter colored wood cabinet doors. The
high ceiling also helps to alleviate the small kitchen effect.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 155

This very contemporary small kitchen design is harsh industrial and
sanitary, yet comforted by the softer colors of the walls and kitchen
island door panels. Kitchen cabinet space is maximized without losing
the minimalist effect of the design.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 154

this more traditional leaning contemporary small kitchen design the
liberal use of red adds a dramatic effect that is enhanced by the
'space-age' materials. A far cry from our caveman days, no? The small
kitchen table and tandem chairs, along with bar stools as secondary
seating helps to conserve space. Open concept glass cabinet doors,
utensil hangers, nick-nack shelving storage and bright lighting help to
create a larger than small space in this kitchen design.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 153

white, white!!! White surfaces create 'perceived' space in a small
kitchen. Actually, any of the brighter shades of color produces a larger
perception of space, so using it as a primary color with darker accents
best helps to add comfort to your most frequented area.

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when available space is limited, ADD to it! This kitchen has been
extended out over a cantilevered bay window area that helps to allow
natural light in, as well as provide a scenic view while doing kitchenly
chores. Notice the liberal use of WHITE. Clean, big, and elps to
illuminate darker areas. A set of hanging kitchen cabinets over the near
counter top would be the best functional use of that space.

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this is not a chocolate mint doll house small kitchen design! The use
of smaller kitchen appliances and kitchen sink along with extensive use
of wall space for kitchen cabinets helps to greatly increase the
functionality of this small kitchen design. Notice the curved glass
cabinet doors? Or the nifty built-in rack above the oven cook/counter

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and the next two photos are all of the same small kitchen, from
different angles to show all of its attributes. In this picture you'll
notice the very large kitchen light fixture that lends a futuristic feel
to this small condominium kitchen design, and helps to enhance
perceived size. Cabinet space is maximized without losing the open
concept feeling - achieved by having one wall partially opened.

English Country Kitchens

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kitchen blends the existing Old-World feel of the original house with
today's modern living. Etched glass, black counters and crown mould
lighting bridge the old to the new and provide excitement for everyday

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money and open up the kitchen by using bulky floating shelves for dish
storage, rather than using upper cabinets. The back door to the
courtyard is painted to match the walls so it blends in and doesn’t draw

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recessed cooktop with a seamless cover is hidden in the stainless steel
island countertop to maximize counter space for entertaining and
everyday use. Red slate, walnut floors and cream lacquer offset the
crisp stainless steel and create a warm tailored look.

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maple cabinets, an iridescent glass backsplash, a black granite
countertop and an inviting breakfast bar with beautiful alabaster light
pendants create a very naturally warm look for this contemporary
kitchen. Photography by Francis Augustine.

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Craftsmanship and elegance define this beautiful kitchen design. Photography by Marie Burgos.

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A 200-bottle wine cooler is an awesome way to display your collection and have it close at hand for serving.

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open floor plan and plenty of natural light with views of an outdoor
fountain make eating and cooking in this space a refreshing experience.

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Valcucine cabinets and Gaggenau appliances used in this kitchen are
some the most eco-friendly kitchen products available today.

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beautiful glass-tiled wall is the focal point of this renovated
kitchen, which is enhanced by unusual lavender-gray-colored custom
cabinets, a linear stone countertop, drywall-covered beams, recessed
lighting, stainless steel appliances and enlarged windows.

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 101

barstools paired with an FSC certified, exotic veneer CaesarStone
countertop and a view to the football game make the bar feel like you're
at a lounge.

Country Kitchens

[center]مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 120

secondary kitchen boasts a professional style 36-inch built-in grill
with a hood, sink, dishwasher, refrigerator and ice maker accentuated by
concrete countertops and a Dutch-style entrance door.

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screen porch has removable windows featuring a double-sided fireplace
and a secondary kitchen boasting a 36-inch built-in grill. The hood,
sink, dishwasher, refrigerator and ice maker, concrete countertops and a
Dutch-style entrance door complete the look.

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This kitchen showcases granite countertops and a functional island that is portable to accommodate a busy cook.

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gourmet kitchen showcases a custom-designed display cabinet, a Viking
freestanding range and a brushed brass deck-mounted pot filler.

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different materials creates an interesting and inviting look to this
contemporary kitchen remodel. The house is Mid-century modern, and the
client wanted an updated kitchen to match. Entertaining is a high
priority so a large island was necessary.

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a counter-high table in the kitchen in this industrial style live-work
loft offers an additional working surface. The leather shag rug under
the dining table adds texture to the space. Photo by Seth Lolich

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custom kitchen island with a stainless steel countertop adds valuable
workspace and storage to this studio loft. Designer Tip: Putting
furniture on casters makes it easy to move it for flexible use of space
in lofts or open plan homes.

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warm and welcoming kitchen awaits these homeowners every morning. This
kitchen was specifically designed to coordinate with the client's older
home, which had a European flavor. The warmth and elegance of the
mustard cabinets contrast with the use of slate and wood flooring.

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kitchen features 10-foot ceilings, limestone counters and a work
surface made of African bubinga wood. The Venetian plaster range hood,
simple cabinets and floating shelves evoke an earthy English cottage

مجموعة من مميزات ديكورات المطابخ المفتوحة 111

the elements of classic country style come together with elegant
simplicity in this kitchen. The open shelving and glass face cabinetry
allow things to be both seen and easily accessed. The computer, great
for looking up recipes, fits like it was custom-made to be there.


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